• How Parasite Triumphed at the Oscars

    Immediately after watching Parasite, I knew I had just seen one of the finest films in many years. The unanimously-decided winner of last year’s Palme d’Or had achieved a remarkable feat, but questions still lingered over its ability to […]

    Feb 17, 2020
    Julian A. Leu
  • 5 Reasons Why The Witcher Split Audiences

    The Witcher was quite a big thing last month, and for many people, it was the first series they watched this decade. Before giving it a go myself, I heard extremely diverging opinions: I’ve heard friends blasting it as […]

    Feb 10, 2020
    Julian A. Leu
  • A Good Trailer vs A Bad Trailer

    We all know what a trailer is, don’t we? After all, we probably are confronted with trailers on a daily basis, whether it’s a voluntary action or it comes under the form of a random ad. However, if you […]

    Feb 2, 2020
    Julian A. Leu
  • The 3 Best Picture Contenders

    The BAFTAs are taking place next weekend in London, and in a bit over a fortnight, we will know this year’s Academy Award winners. Indeed, I’ve already written an article on approximately the same topic several weeks ago, but […]

    Jan 26, 2020
    Julian A. Leu
  • The Lighthouse (2019) (Review)

    A few years ago, The Witch became a reference point in my very short list of horror films I really, really like – which is short not because I don’t watch a lot of horror movies, but because so […]

    Jan 18, 2020
    Julian A. Leu
  • 4 Things We Learned From the 2020 Golden Globes

    The 2020 Golden Globes must have been great fun for anyone residing in a suitable timezone to enjoy its live broadcast at a reasonable hour. For the rest of us it was most likely a first-thing-on-Monday-morning-watch, which doesn’t sound […]

    Jan 10, 2020
    Julian A. Leu