Top 5 Movies with a Kicking Female Ensemble

The hashtag #WomenInFilm is something of a trend now. Not only are you seeing more high profile women in the industry speaking up about equal pay, but female driven films are starting to be viewed as a viable commercial “success”. I say, more power to this and let’s hope it’s the beginning of a more well rounded depiction of women in the industry. With this in mind, I’ve collected a short list of my personal favourite female driven movies of all time. Be sure to check these ladies out. They’re truly and completely fantastic!

Steel Magnolias

A steel of a film with a steel of a cast! This tear jerker is sure to not only make you laugh (with the wonderful performances of Shirley MacLaine and Olympia Dukakis) but also get you weeping for days on end (how dare you Julia Roberts!). These ladies really show the powerful impact that a well crafted female ensemble can bring to a cult classic.


This Turkish Oscar nom is a fantastic and moving piece depicting the strong bonds of sisterhood in modern times. Directed by Deniz Gamez Erguven and starring a slew of amazing young talent, this is a film not to miss. Don’t let the subtitles throw you off, it’s an incredible piece of art and more moving than words can describe.

The Help

When I think of the help, the phrase “Eat my S–” comes to mind. This powerful, yet wonderfully witty and cheeky film, directed by the talented Tate Taylor and based off the book by Kathryn Stockett, gave an Oscar to the fantastic Octavia Spencer and nominations to a whole slew of others. If you have yet to catch this fantastic film, then get your popcorn ready and your Netflix set, because it will have you laughing and crying within minutes. An amazing piece of work all round.

Sister Act

A classic in my household. This Whoopi Goldberg led film will have you giggling in your seats from the get go. All you Motown music lovers rejoice; the soundtrack is insane. This comedy crime movie is a total feel good heart warmer and I can guarantee that the sequel will not disappoint. Get your habits ready and your voices prepped, this is an utter classic through and through.


You seriously didn’t think I’d miss this gem off the list? Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCartny and a whole slew of other badass women truly do prove that female driven comedies aren’t just commercially successful but are downright hysterical. With multiple Oscar noms, this feel good comedy will have you not just cracking up, but weeping with uncontrollable laughter. A must for everyone!

Article written by Alexa Berry for The Monthly Film Festival

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