• On the Rocks

    BECAUSE OF THE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW WE STRONGLY ADVISE TO WATCH THE FILM FIRST.   In the short documentary ‘On the Rocks‘, director Amen Jafri follows her husband’s personal story as an alcoholic.   The title is the […]

    Jul 7, 2015
  • Tortoise

    BECAUSE OF THE SPOILERS IN THIS REVIEW WE STRONGLY ADVISE TO WATCH THE FILM FIRST.   There’s a strange way the universe and its unwritten laws contribute to the world’s balance and this time, in director Noviandra Santosa’s short […]

    Jul 5, 2015
  • Heroes

    Unpretentious, produced with minimal resources and probably with a minimal team, ‘Heroes’ will deceive anyone at a first glance, where it will be very hard to guess where it’s going. Then, it will almost become absurd and seem like it makes […]

    Jun 7, 2015
  • Unspoken

      THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS. WE STRONGLY ADVISE THAT YOU WATCH THE FILM FIRST.   ‘Unspoken‘ …an experimental film by Yunqing Fu. Like most experimental films this one too tends to be impenetrable.   There could be many arrays […]

    May 28, 2015
  • There’s no more roast

    ‘There’s no more roast‘ is a music video directed by Andrea Di Bartolo. We aren’t going to comment on the song or anything connected to it, but we have to mention that the video is quite nice for a music video. […]

    May 18, 2015
  • Reproach

    ‘Reproach‘, a film close to an action film (thing that makes it quite entertaining) but one that also has a little tendency of becoming a religious cult film too, however with a theme whose truth we would not dare to contest… […]

    May 8, 2015
  • All’s Well

    Writer and director Christian Kinde dedicates a film to British heroes of the war in Afghanistan though this is an actual theme, with its own market and public that is oftenly approached by filmmakers.   Director Christian Kinde makes a […]

    May 4, 2015
  • Inside

    ‘Inside’ by Emir Ziyalar is not a film you haven’t seen before: a plague outside is isolating people in their houses making them face their own fears and the lack of surviving resources.    What we would have liked to […]

    May 1, 2015
  • Out of the Box

    Out of the Box – Dialogues With Polish Migrants in Northern Ireland by Bernhard Wolf is rather a trailer rough cut of a project still in post-production. We felt a bit sorry as there is quite some more room for technical and artistic improvement […]

    Apr 29, 2015
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