In this whimsical short animated musical, Fellinda Cauldron is inspired by the moon to make a magical dancing potion. Can she over come her doubts and complete her bubbling brew? Broomsticks on Broadway celebrates the joyful aspects of […]
A distracted child named Nico gets hit by a baseball and must venture into the woods alone to retrieve it. In this intimidating forest, Nico finds a strange robot named Nickel. Terrified, Nico runs away, but not everything […]
Two characters meet and fall in love, sharing pieces of themselves with each other, but soon find the fragility of their connection and themselves. (w)hole Film Review
Pix, The Hidden Gem’s Janitor, discovers that the band hired to be performing quits mere seconds before they are set to go on. Pix sees this as an opportunity to put down the mop and enter the spotlight […]
Somewhere out at sea, you’ll find a trio of punks sailing around, delivering magic candy to all who can pay. This is the Candy Sailors Confectionary Delivery Service! These guys are rotten, but their treats are oh-so-sweet. We […]
Abdou, upset by the general social, economic and political situation, faces the harsh reality looking for a symbolic change that will get him out of “his fishbowl.” *Only a trailer is available for now.