Inu Bond is a 2.5-minute animated film that follows a young girl after losing her beloved dog. She goes through a journey to understand her grief. Will she get stuck in her grief or will she be able […]
As French and Canadian forces threatened British expansion in America, the British ordered William Johnson to form an army. As they marched to eradicate the French garrison at Crown Point, they would engage the French forces at the […]
Suzie believed that returning to her community will make herself a true being. This is a story mesmerized by commercial-look visual and satire script motif of The Ugly Duckling and gireogi family. *Only a teaser is available […]
The animated short film “The Mijares” originated from the intangible cultural heritage of Venezuela “The Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi”, telling the ups and downs of the inheritors of the intangible heritage. The Mijares family is one of […]
An animation showcasing the stories of older South Asian women (who were young children or were born shortly after the Partition of India and the newly formed state of Pakistan) touching on the themes of mass migration, dislocation, […]
An intimate conversation between two student girls during a group dance between classes, talking about body changes and the experience of UFO sightings. *Only a trailer is available for now.
When a young boy named Max wishes for a puppy on his 8th birthday, a magical puff of smoke brings a balloon dog to life instead. Though at first hesitant, Max soon learns to love and accept his […]