Vincent Turturro’s ‘Victor Goodview’ is one of the few stories about nihilism and decadence we’ve had in our festival in recent years. Based on a ground of filth and misery, Victor’s story follows the simple rules of living like […]
‘Saving Green‘ is one of those complex animations that condense in a few minutes a dynamic, but quite brutal, narrative to address an adult audience, an attractive chromaticity and positive, delightful protagonist with which young spectators will resonate, but […]
Brian Lutes never ceases to amaze us! Some time ago we’ve had the opportunity to see ‘Ming… Voice of Deception’, a heartbreaking story of a World War I veteran returning home and having great problems taking his old life […]
‘Prisoners of Time’ deals with a very important matter that crippled generations of most strong men: the post-traumatic disorder. PTSD is usually found in people that witnessed war or have other abusive memories that are coming back in a […]
We know that anything in this world has a price, but is fame worth all the necessary sacrifices? Inspired by the recent social phenomenon known as #metoo condemning sexual abuse against women, ‘A Date with Shillelagh‘ is a problematic […]
‘Kibbles’ follows a story that we are so very familiar with – the story of a man dealing with his own self and own insecurities, the story of the outcast trying his best to become one of the many. […]
One of the most common themes in horror movies in the past years is without any doubt the zombie apocalypse one. Even in literature, this subject went viral and each year one can easily fill tens of shelves with […]
When hard times are coming, we have to take the right decisions even though sometimes the right decisions prove to be wrong. ‘Top Coat Cash’ is a movie about decisions, both good or bad, taken at the right moment. […]
Even if for modern human the magical, mystical thinking has lost its power, being replaced by pragmatism and scientific evidence, many communities continue to see in the small and great joys of life a miracle that only a subtler […]
Life is too short to suffer or to regret something. In fact, life exists just to be beautifully lived, without regret. Or, at least, this is the first lesson of life that the ‘Queens Way‘ mini-documentary aims to reveal […]