Halloween night just passed, so who would expect a post about horror films the very next day? Everyone? Oh, then we will proceed without the surprise element in hand. With Halloween coming and going, I was thinking a bit […]
It might seem like only yesterday, but actually the last time Martin Scorsese made a gangster movie, the year was 2006. You remember The Departed, right? After all, it won Best Picture at all major award ceremonies the following […]
Now that cold weather is slowly but steadily replacing the summer vibes and any potential leftovers, a seasonal shift is also occurring in the world of films. Lazy, action-heavy blockbusters perfect for a hot summer evening are giving way […]
It could be said that the most important thing when writing a new screenplay is to be original. However, this notion can also be misunderstood. A lot of screenwriters spend countless hours trying to come up with brand new […]
Whoever said that video games cannot tell good stories either hasn’t played video games, or hasn’t played the right ones. At times, they can be the most powerful storytelling medium, since they offer a visual backdrop, as films do, […]
Remember how last week we briefly touched upon how VR might be changing the fact of films – or, at least, shaping an intriguing niche in a variety of genres? Well, I decided to carry on with the topic, […]