• 4 Facts about Martin Scorsese’s ‘The Irishman’

    It might seem like only yesterday, but actually the last time Martin Scorsese made a gangster movie, the year was 2006. You remember The Departed, right? After all, it won Best Picture at all major award ceremonies the following […]

    Oct 16, 2018
    Julian A. Leu
  • Why You Should Submit Screenplays to Film Festivals

    Writing stories can be done just for passing time, practicing creativity or experiencing something new – we certainly know that. And general rules for storytelling also apply to a more niche-oriented screenplay format. What we’re getting at is that […]

    Oct 9, 2018
    Julian A. Leu
  • 6 Upcoming Films from Great Directors (I)

    Now that cold weather is slowly but steadily replacing the summer vibes and any potential leftovers, a seasonal shift is also occurring in the world of films. Lazy, action-heavy blockbusters perfect for a hot summer evening are giving way […]

    Oct 1, 2018
    Julian A. Leu
  • Why are Superhero Films so Popular?

    Every couple of months or so, there comes yet another mass hysteria surrounding a new release in the superhero genre. Several years ago, I would do my best to keep up with the releases – not watching each and […]

    Sep 24, 2018
    Julian A. Leu
  • 7 Films Inspired by Video Games

    Whoever said that video games cannot tell good stories either hasn’t played video games, or hasn’t played the right ones. At times, they can be the most powerful storytelling medium, since they offer a visual backdrop, as films do, […]

    Sep 16, 2018
    Julian A. Leu
  • Stephen King’s Dollar Babies

    Have you ever wanted to shoot a short film, but completely lacked a good idea, while also not having the funds to purchase the rights for one? Well, no worries really, one of the world’s best selling authors has […]

    Sep 7, 2018
    Julian A. Leu