Chema is an expat architect from Spain who lives in Amsterdam. He has built up a new life there as a wind-up toy maker. He creates small pieces of art from recycle items. Entirely digital animation movie. […]
Drifting along the empty diagonal and its suburban areas at the end of a hot summer. Some lucky encounters. Warehouses, roundabouts, colored logos, an exploration into the frozen waters of everyday life.
Emily is driving down a deserted road in the middle of the night to visit her sister, but when her car breaks down and a handsome stranger offers to give her a ride, Emily begins to realize there […]
When an American soldier during WWⅡ is captured by a young German soldier, he is offered a unique chance to escape when the Nazi captor steps on a landmine that will explode if he steps off. *Only […]
Having been brought up in Northern Ireland in the 1980’s, the Film Maker, Garry McGovern, ventured inside the Gaza Strip just after the Gaza-Israeli war of 2014, to see how ordinary families and children coped in a 21st […]