September Winners

Hi there,

It’s been though deciding the winners this month, but at the same time it has been quite rewarding and fun!

The winners have now been officially announced!  Congrats to everyone involved!

Below you can see the winners list (or CLICK HERE). We remind you that all winners and nominees will receive an e-mail from us in the following days.


Film of the Month – Juliet

2nd Place – The Choices of Maelys

3rd Place – Seliseh


Trailer of the Month

A Trace


Student Film of the Month

The Chunk and the Whore


Director of the Month

Marc-Henri Boulier – Juliet


Screenwriter of the Month

Andre Pretorius – Operation A.N.G.E.L


Original Score of the Month

Jack Sheen – Jupiter


Actor of the Month

Vincent Chaumont – The Chunk and the Whore


Actress of the Month

Stefka Yanorova – Shooting Star


Editor of the Month

Fabien Montagner – Juliet


Cinematographer of the Month

Matthew Rowlands – Jupiter


Animation of the Month



Experimental of the Month



Documentary of the Month

Never be Clever


Music Video of the Month

Smashing Pumpkins – Drum & Fife


Web Short of the Month

Not enough entries.


The Audience Award




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