Directed by Yoo Han Jin
A Shadow of Dara
Directed by Kirill Proskura
Wir bringen kalten Kaffee mit
Directed by Leo Feisthauer, Tim Koglin
Written by David Barbeschi
Beijing, New York
Directed by Rain Li
The Taste of Brussel Sprouts
Directed by Michaël Terraz
The Gift of Quixote
Directed by Peterson Paim
Withdrawn in Trepidation
Directed by Jon Housholder
Hani's Barber Shop
Directed by Tomer Werechson
Meat on Bones
Directed by Joseph Ollman
The Good Samaritan
Directed by Chris Suffield
Imago Ep.II: Symmetry
Directed by Dani Joss
Bedsheets & Cigarettes
Directed by Alan Mehanna
A Symphony of Masks
Directed by Morgan Djian and Farah Chennit
I Take Photos
Directed by Oliver David Lister
Northern Lights
Directed by Nicholas Connor
Bullet Vein
Directed by Euro Hangebruch
The Road to Nickelsville
Directed by Derek McNeill
Pedro Cano - Travel Notebooks
Directed by Alfonso Burgos Risco
Directed by Jason Rosenblatt
Right Here or Over There
Directed by Mabille Pauline
Directed by Rodrigo Lages
Directed by The Forsans Brothers
Directed by Grammare Charles
Last Beat
Directed by Paul Bestolarides
Fantaisie Impromptu
Directed by Duda Gorter
Directed by Wei Zhang
The Time Will Come
Directed by Daniel Robinette
The Last Show
Directed by Roberto Flores
Take the Heat
Directed by Elena Riabtceva
She Who Flew
Directed by Michael Jay Tucker
Qissbah - What is not a story?
Directed by Dev Gupta
Directed by James George Oshoba
Be the One
Directed by Remo Fritzsche
Directed by Michele Tataranni
The Three Tales from Alexandria
Directed by Natasza Cetner
Directed by Daniel Purse
A Day in the Lfe of a Syrian Refugee
Directed by Ahmad Asaad
Directed by Vis Vitalis
Afternoon at the Abyss
Directed by Pedro Oswald Padilha
Free Monkeys
Directed by Cengiz Akaygün
The Big Dipper
Directed by Alexandre Boutin
The Weekend
Directed by Dennis Cahlo
Silent Fall
Directed by Jarno Lee Vinsencius
Dying to Forgive
Directed by Douglas Fender
Directed by Ignacio Redondo
The Hindu Thread
Directed by Jennifer Higgins
Directed by Nick LeDonne
Do Not Watch This Film
Directed by Quinn Pohl
My Last Concert
Directed by Selcuk Zvi Cara
Directed by Alexandre Jamin
Shattered Families
Directed by Stephen Seager
My Life on the Tracks
Directed by Deon van Zyl
Burn in Hell
Directed by Jarno Vinsencius
Shanghai Faders
Directed by AJ Gordon
The Last King of Granada
Directed by Pepe Gomez
I Am Afraid II
Directed by Nobilis Bellator
Annie's Birthday
Directed by Kiril Todorov
Around Astrid
Directed by Federico Mattioni
Best Friends Come In Boxes
Directed by Graeme Carr
I Need My Space
Directed by Jesse Pohjonen
Vancouver Rhapsody
Directed by Betty Jiang
Zeitgeist Protest
Directed by Christophe Karabache
True Copy
Directed by Olga Belova
Reconsolidate: In Memories
Directed by Nick Zoulek
Love is Everywhere
Directed by Jessy Langlois
Directed by Ty Wilson
Directed by Jungjae Hur
Directed by Ben Wicks
Elijah's Ashes
Directed by Ryan Barton-Grimley
Directed by Jesse H. Knight
Directed by Ruben Soler Ferrer, Santi Agustí "Sapone"
Night Terrors
Directed by Oscar Velasquez
Directed by Paula Palumbo
Harvey's Dream
Directed by Jainardhan Sathyan
Directed by Jonathan Kemp
Directed by Grace Combs
The Last Transmission
Directed by Stephen Turselli
Uncanny Valley
Directed by Federico Heller
Directed by Nobilis Bellator
13 Shades of Romanian
Directed by Dragos Teglas, Anda Teglas
Voice from the Wilderness
Directed by Jason Britski
Directed by A.J. Gómez
Giulia's Place
Directed by Mauro Villani
Directed by A. J. Gomez
End of the Story
Directed by Arnon Z. Shor
Directed by Kristín Ísabella Karlsdóttir
Ming... Voice of Deception
Directed by Brian Lutes
Directed by Leon David Williams
Sweet Mysterious
Directed by Simone Hooymans
The Sereer
Directed by Ken Beale
Directed by Richard Heap
Lila & Valentin
Directed by Adrien Lhommedieu
Crossing That Bridge
Directed by Roger Nevares
Directed by Maksim Varfolomeev
The Session
Directed by Molly Maguire
The Memory of the Hands
Directed by Alfonso Burgos Risco
Directed by Leandro Corinto
Cloudstruck Drive
Directed by Milad Avaz and Michel Copeland Toft
Sweet Hollow
Directed by Sean Lee