A sullen man offering rides to people going to the same direction as him, picks up a young, jolly teenager girl on his next trip. While the sullen man learns how to cope with the young presence next to him, when reaching the destination the young woman will find out about his story, revealing the entire truth about his assumed but false grumpiness.


Directors Milad Avaz and Michel Copeland Toft will brake hearts with this one. They sure broke ours winning the 1st Prize for Film of Month December and also receiving the awards for Best Directing and Best Screenplay for the same month’s competition.


Beyond the heartbreaking story the film is an example of wonderful cinematography and outstanding acting while the script links everything so well and logically. The camera does its job simply and poetically and helped by the ‘mathematical’ editing that keeps it to the point, beautifully delivering the story to its surprising outcome.


When watching ‘Cloudstruck Drive’ one can get that rare exquisite feeling of cinema. The actors impersonate so naturally that one won’t even feel them. It’s like watching fantasy from start to end: it is a characters’ dialogue with the public. Actors don’t exist, the story has escaped its backstage of technical gear, schedules and specialised team and ran away into the world, imitating, deceiving reality and anyone believing it. Maybe that is why this short film is so touching: it just looks so real, so humanly real that it is hard not to empathise.


Among so many films that one sees in their life, they eventually learn how to anticipate what’s next. But ‘Cloudstruck Drive’ is one of those films with an outcome that you won’t see coming, surprising the viewer so naturally with its unpredictable ending and its deep meaning.


A truly outstanding piece of cinematography and a must see! A huge bravo!