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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Jon Lewis
29 minutes
TMFF Awards:
February Nominee - Screenwriter of the Month


At Sarmaga’s there is no electric light, no music, not even a menu. The only sound is the delicate murmur of contentment of the diners who turn up nightly in the patient hope of seeing the elusive owner, the eponymous Sarmaga, and to sample the house special – a casserole made from an animal so rare that only the owner knows where it comes from and how to procure it. One night, a long-standing customer takes a work colleague into his confidence, sharing the secret of this fantastical place, with echoes of a bygone era. Gradually, we begin to suspect that there may be more to the signature dish than meets the eye. The world of the two principal characters is limited to their workplace – an undisclosed international insurance company – and the restaurant they frequent with increasing regularity. The film aims to undercut some of the pomposity of these two self-important men. Meanwhile, the devilish Sarmaga appeals to their hedonistic desires, tempting them with the very notion of temptation itself. Sarmaga is based on the short story, Specialty of the House, by the New York author, Stanley Ellin, and follows the tradition of spine-chilling mysteries that mix the macabre with suspense and leave horror to the imagination.


*Only a trailer is available for now.

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