Lost & Found, NY
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Kalin Ivanov, Vanina Kondova
11 minutes
TMFF Awards:
December Nominee - Actress of the Month


Vanina Kondova writes, co-directs and stars in this web series about an immigrant jobbing actor, juggling random side jobs with unfortunate auditions in New York City. Each episode follows a day of comically absurd situations and awkward encounters in New York. Lazy audition partners, obsessive co-workers, tough-love friends, useless professional contacts, suspiciously nice love interests, a range of actor types and the City itself make up the pool of characters. The style of the show’s humor is subtly and poetic.


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1 Comment
  • Marietta Melrose

    Marietta Melrose

    Lost and Found created by Vanina Kondova is the best web-series I have ever seen! It accurately shows the life of an immigrant in a very poetic and funny way! it is wonderful and engaging!

    Reply December 28, 2017

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