Safe Haven follows the journey of Jo, released into a dystopian Scotland after a life of seclusion, forced to learn that survival is her primary objective.
When Anna’s daughter develops a degenerate, terminal brain condition, the only chance of survival is to delete everything she ever was. *Only a trailer is available for now.
“Looking for” is a satire animation short a puppet chasing its life goal that is not driven by personal will but by a mystery force. The force is strict social norms. Is there any way to break through […]
In the not so distant future, the founders of mega-corporation KNTRLR Industries have staffed their entire company with clones of themselves. A typical day at the office goes south when boredom strikes the control room. Password: password
Science fiction and adventure short film. It tells the story of a crew of space pirates who land on an unknown planet. The job has already been done and now they just have to get their reward. […]
An apocalyptic world. A team of two bounty hunters arrive too early at the place of delivery. While they wait the young woman they hold captive tries to turn the tables.
In a not so distant future, a hopeless man struggles to fight his terminal disease, while using the Opikanoba, a device that allows people to create and travel into a materialized subconscious world, in which they get the […]
In a near future where citizens are able to host a prisoner at their home in return for a stipend, a young father tries to save his crumbling marriage by applying to this new experiment but he starts […]