• A Simple Robbery

      Becky and Stacey are two friends who enjoys taking money from wealthy men. But tragedy strikes when a robbery didn’t go as planned.  

    Aug 9, 2020
    United Kingdom 13 Minutes Blake Ridder
  • Leakage

      When the leakage on the roof, once again threatens to form the proverbial drop for the stressed tailor Charlie and his artistic neighbor, Jamal, their elusive neighbor makes them an unexpected offer.   https://www.48hourfilm.com/nl/eindhoven-nl/films/4214 Leakage Film Review

    Jan 2, 2020
    Netherlands 7 Minutes Marc Eikelenboom
  • The Lost Scot

      After a clay shoot goes wrong, a miserable cynic, an alcoholic and an accountant find themselves lost in the Scottish Moorlands with the body of a gamekeeper.      The Lost Scot Film Review

    Nov 16, 2019
    United Kingdom 14 Minutes Julien Cornwall
  • The Great Charade*

      Everyone knows Ryan Sterling and Amara Giovanni. The world’s most talented actors. Everyone wants to be them, or be with them. Far from the lights of Hollywood, Ryan and Amara awake, bound and bruised, with no inkling of […]

    Oct 1, 2019
    United Kingdom 90 Minutes Rodeo Strange, Daniel Strange
  • Eugene vs Humanity*

      When a misanthrope finds his ever-growing frustration with society too much to bear, his temper boils over, leading him to commit an act of violence.   *Only a trailer is available for now. Eugene vs Humanity Film Review

    Jun 25, 2019
    United States 29 Minutes Michael David Charles Hicks
  • Caught in the Spokes

      Ben becomes obsessed with finding the thief who stole his bike. He puts job, relationships and his sanity at risk to get it back.   

    Mar 22, 2019
    Canada 14 Minutes Matthew Fitzgibbon
  • Overkill*

      Matthew just found out he has a few months to live. Most people would be devastated, but for Matthew, it’s the best news he has ever received.   *Only a trailer is available for now.

    Feb 7, 2019
    United Kingdom 9 Minutes Ross Donald
  • Tequila Sunrise*

      After a night out on the town, a terrified slacker wakes to find himself slap bang in the aftermath of a gang shootout — or so he thinks. But things are not always quite what they seem…   […]

    Dec 7, 2018
    United Kingdom 15 Minutes Adam Bentley
  • Greater Fool

      This dark comedic piece wrestles with the idea of love and gender-roles. Are men really only after one thing and do women really still believe in love? Who is corrupting whom at this point? Story: Tommy is a […]

    Oct 26, 2018
    United Kingdom 7 Minutes Julia Strassmann
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