Jazzfest Europe (TRAILER)
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
2024 - June 2024 (TRAILER competition)
Veit Kortenkamp
2 minutes
TMFF Awards:
June Nominee - Trailer of the Month


It’s a sunny day in Munich, with a gentle breeze rustling through the air. A fluffy ball of wool lands on the ground with a soft thud. It’s Herbert, the small, gentle dog who never goes anywhere without a musical instrument. This time, he has his Romanian tárogató in tow. He has a plan! Herbert wants to spread music and joy from Munich to Romania. When he hears distant music in the streets, he can’t resist joining in. As soon as he starts playing, the city seems to come alive, feeling the rhythm and energy. Will he bring his joy to Romania? And which European city will be next?


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