What’s your favorite wintertime movie? Here’s our list of films where the cold and the snow play a role in the film. Winter Light (1963) If you haven’t spent some time falling into the films of Ingmar Bergman, you […]
With new videos and films being uploaded online every day, it can sometimes appear to be somewhat of an overwhelming mission to find your potential audience and speak to them, let alone actually grabbing their attention. However, by getting […]
The internet has obviously changed our lives. Instant information, messages from family around the world, and unlimited quantities of adult entertainment. One area that has been greatly impacted by the internet is film festivals. In today’s digital world, you […]
Many film festivals are fun events that involve watching a specific genre of films and shorts. Typically, they are exciting events, but with a predictable format. Then there’s the New York City Winter Film Awards, February 23 to March […]
There are thousands of horror movies. Most of them have a simple and stupid plot: A group of intellectually stunted teenagers go someplace improbable. One of the women will show her breasts for a few seconds in the first […]
Making a film is exciting. Seeing your name as the director, producer, writer, or all of the above on a film is amazing. One of the things that most people worry about is money. The first thing to remember… […]