April 2022 Winners

Hello there, the winners of April 2022 have just been announced! Congratulations to everyone involved and hope to see you soon at TMFF.

You can see all the nominees and winners HERE or below:

Best Feature – Frank Bey: All My Dues Are Paid

2nd Best Feature – The Fusion Solution

3rd Best Feature – A Greenland Story


Film of the Month – Waking Up

2nd Film of the Month – Hazel

3rd Film of the Month – Road Trip


Trailer of the Month

A Feast That Never Comes


Student Film of the Month


Director of the Month


Screenwriter of the Month

Natalie A. Evans – Road Trip


Original Score of the Month

Trondur Bogasson – Brother Troll


Actor of the Month

Dion Costelloe – Waking Up


Actress of the Month

Kate Robbins – Road Trip


Editor of the Month

Jordan Doig – Hazel


Cinematographer of the Month

Brendan Babinski – Waking Up


Animation of the Month



Experimental of the Month

From that Moment


Documentary of the Month

The Story of Spinning


Music Video of the Month

Resina – A Crooked God


Web Short of the Month



The Audience Award




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