• Paolo Rossi: Dreams Create the Future*

      On July 11th 1982, Italy defeated West Germany 3-1 and unexpectedly won the World Cup, fulfilling President Pertini’s dream to reunite his people – until then shuttered by over 20 years of terrorism – under the tricolor flag. […]

    Oct 30, 2019
    Italy 91 Minutes Michela Scolari, Gianluca Fellini
  • Immortal Hero*

      Makoto Mioya spends busy days as a successful writer and founder of a publishing company, living happily with his wife, Isoko and his 3 children. But he has a secret. He has been in touch with highly evolved […]

    Oct 19, 2019
    Japan 118 Minutes Hiroshi Akabane
  • Instruments in the Architecture

      Official Title: Instruments in the Architecture: Building The Pianodrome Pianos are being thrown away at a tremendous rate – hauled away, set on fire and their valuable heavy metal sold for scrap. Tim, Leon and their team of […]

    Oct 5, 2019
    United Kingdom 13 Minutes Austen McCowan, Will Hewitt
  • Like the Shadow in the Dark*

      Gustavo is a renowned psychologist. He’s faced by an enormously challenging task. He must scrutinize a field of candidates and decide which one of them has got the right characteristics to become politicians. Will his final choice be […]

    Oct 2, 2019
    Switzerland 26 Minutes Alessandro Gessaga
  • We Shall Not Die Now*

      ‘We Shall Not Die Now’ chronicles the Holocaust, when between 1939 and 1945, over six million Jews and eleven million others were murdered by the Nazi regime. Told by the survivors and liberators that witnessed it first hand, […]

    Oct 1, 2019
    United States 107 Minutes Ashton Gleckman
  • The Great Charade*

      Everyone knows Ryan Sterling and Amara Giovanni. The world’s most talented actors. Everyone wants to be them, or be with them. Far from the lights of Hollywood, Ryan and Amara awake, bound and bruised, with no inkling of […]

    Oct 1, 2019
    United Kingdom 90 Minutes Rodeo Strange, Daniel Strange
  • Blondie Maxwell Never Loses*

      In a near future where justice has been fully liberalized, investigations are conducted by freelance detectives. Blondie Maxwell lives off of small investigations but dreams of getting her hands on Boloch, the most wanted man in the country, […]

    Oct 1, 2019
    France 87 Minutes Julien Ivanowich
  • The Shepherd*

      The Shepherd is a historical drama taking place in Hungary in 1944, in a territory occupied by Nazis. The main character is an old shepherd, who lives alone on a ranch. After his daughter got killed by German […]

    Oct 1, 2019
    Hungary 90 Minutes László Illés

      Only women with sons live in Higland. The grey concrete world is being ruled by a dictator, the Allmother. In the Highland there is one special rule: When boys turn fifteen, they must spend the rest of their […]

    Sep 29, 2019
    Denmark 1 Minutes Sif Lina Lambæk
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