The Last Act
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
2014 - May 2015
Dina Duma
28 minutes
TMFF Awards:
May Winner - Film of the Month


A war story set in Macedonia in 1942, a young actress from Italy comes to visit her lover, the Italian general Giancarlo. One morning, out of boredom, she puts on Giancarlo’s fascist uniform and steals his motorcycle. She is looking for something intriguing to happen, something glamorous that only happens in the movies. That is where she is captured by the Macedonian partisans and where she realizes that she might be playing the last act of her life. The story is told by two points of view, Maria’s and Anna’s. Anna is the girl who is waiting for her partisan to come from the war, but he never does. He is the one that captures Maria, and they both end up in an ambush that ends tragically.



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