• Under the Tree (2017) (Review)

    The most recent World Happiness Index lists Iceland as the fourth happiest country in the world. Suffice to say, Under the Tree doesn’t exactly delve into that optimism, and instead focusses heavily on feuds, misunderstandings and outright hatred. It’s […]

    Aug 21, 2019
    Julian A. Leu
  • Chernobyl (2019) (Review)

    Ever since the Chernobyl NPP disaster more than 33 years ago, there has been a steady flow of media that either chronicles the events, or attempts to build stories out of the aftermath of the events. There have been […]

    Jun 9, 2019
    Julian A. Leu
  • The Guilty (2018) (Review)

    Years ago, I watched Locke and was completely blown away by it. The film by Steven Knight took place exclusively inside of a moving car with a single passenger, played by Tom Hardy. And despite this apparent limitation in […]

    Mar 12, 2019
    Julian A. Leu
  • Leave No Trace (2018) (Review)

    Nowadays, the idea of people living isolated existences, mostly cut off from the rest of the world, surviving by themselves in valleys or forests, seems rather alien to most of us. Despite the fact that alongside their long evolutionary […]

    Dec 16, 2018
    Julian A. Leu
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