They did not call it the ‘Wild West’ for nothing. A hand of poker, a bottle of cheap whiskey and life is sweet enough. But all the fun is over when Calvin Sharp and his gang roll into […]
Don’t Frack our Future is a provocative documentary, which seeks to explore the growing opposition to the controversial debate on fracking in the UK. From the stance of anti- campaigners, It challenges the assertion that hydraulic fracturing is […]
Wonderland is an imaginary band from the novel by the Hungarian authors Eszter Angyalosy and Akos Baranyai. But the imaginary band’s imaginary biggest hit, ‘What Do You Really Wanna Say’ become real, thanks to the musicians Adam Szeker, […]
‘Way out’, inspired by ‘Alone Together’ by Sherry Turkle, is a reflection of modern life in this digital age. The exaggerated contrast between emotionless citizens and characterized phones reveals our over-‐dependence on virtual communication. A dramatic and extreme […]
Ghosts of the Road is an intimate day-in-the-life-of portrait series, featuring some of today’s top rock and metal acts as they navigate a rigorous life on the road. This atmospheric series offers more to fans than the mic-in-the-face […]
Short Youth Awareness Drama ‘Home Economics’. It’s summer 2011 and teenage convict Lola is anxiously waiting to come out of prison. She has spent the last few lonely years wondering why her mum refused to visit her. Today […]
Manos Arriba is a short comedy about Brett, who grudgingly agrees to attend a fancy dress party. The party is in full swing when Brett visits the bathroom, but the vibe is completely different when he returns. It’s […]