• Umbilical Cord*

      A glimpse at the edge of human consciousness’ evolution through the prism of Natural agriculture. Millenia ago agriculture had spawned the profound change of humankind towards civilization. Could it be the key again for the next leap forward? […]

    Jun 28, 2022
    Bulgaria 81 Minutes Boris Pophristov
  • Finding Paradise*

      A washed-up musician chases after the new sound in a post-apocalyptic wilderness.   *Only a trailer is available for now.

    Jun 28, 2022
    Australia 50 Minutes Emma Waters, Tess Campbell, Joseph Shrimpton
  • Clowning with Shakespeare*

      A documentary about a bunch of maverick actors who strive to keep theatre alive with their unconventional and unrestrained storytelling.   *Only a trailer is available for now.

    Jun 28, 2022
    India 58 Minutes Siddhartha More

      Witness the end for Aperture Science as the race to be the figurehead of the future comes to a devastating, avoidable end.  

    May 30, 2022
    United Kingdom 1 Minutes Jonathon Glickman
  • Rage (TRAILER)

      A seemingly normal family man goes out for a date night with his wife, after a night spent drinking heavily and taking an assortment of drugs, things then take a nasty turn when they return home.  

    May 30, 2022
    United Kingdom 1 Minutes Gary A Wales, David Penman
  • The Madness Store (TRAILER)

      Eugène is a theater successful director in full search of a romantic identity who will soon meet his muse.  

    May 30, 2022
    France 1 Minutes Alex Guéry
  • Dispute (TRAILER)

      A young couple, argued for a box of lemonade, about who will call first. Pride did not allow the first to make concessions. For many years, they thought about calling, but hesitated. As a result, in old age, […]

    May 30, 2022
    Uzbekistan 1 Minutes Gulnara Ivanova
  • Cut and Run (TRAILER)

      A girl stoles confidential intelligence from an organization and has to escape them.  

    May 30, 2022
    Thailand 1 Minutes Poramet Ariyakusonsuthi

      *Only a trailer is available for now.

    May 21, 2022
    United Kingdom 14 Minutes Ross Ferrier
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