• Blades of Grass**

      Sometimes we forget why we’re here and we question our existence. Here’s a reminder that there are many reasons to continue living, you may just not have found your meaning yet. **No video file available for now.

    Jun 5, 2015
    United States 1 Minutes Elijah Emerald
  • Lose Your Cool

      Rival druglords settle a turf war over a game of billiards.  

    Jun 5, 2015
    United States 6 Minutes Max Fisk
  • Beyond the Night

      Valentin is celebrating the end of high school exams with his friends. He is usually a popular student but tonight he does not manage to fit in. He is feeling extremely down, as he often is. On his […]

    Jun 5, 2015
    France 12 Minutes Philippe de Monts
  • Pepper

      The painful awakening of a couple after an evening of fantasies…  

    Jun 5, 2015
    Canada 7 Minutes Patrick Aubert
  • Vagabond’s Dream*

      Coping with his recent unemployment, a man battles with depression, facing the fact that he is not being able to provide for his family. In an act of desperation, he turns to his talents as a last resort… […]

    Jun 5, 2015
    Puerto Rico 7 Minutes Eugene Rodriguez
  • True Colours

      A harrowing look into a man’s quest to capture that which has always eluded him, the ability to see the world its full splendour. His determination will drive him to extreme solutions, that will ultimately reveal his own […]

    Jun 5, 2015
    United Kingdom 7 Minutes Eren Kaplan

      A young king had a dog for a best friend, until one fateful day a hot dog van came speeding down the street…   

    Jun 4, 2015
    United Kingdom 3 Minutes Shawy
  • Perfect Strangers*

      Two strangers stranded in the Scottish Highlands on Christmas eve team up to try and get home in time for Christmas.   *Only a trailer is available for now.

    Jun 4, 2015
    United Kingdom 26 Minutes Ryan Hendrick

      In just under six minutes, LIABILITY is an existential, absurdist joy ride that gleefully tests the audience’s ability to effectively suspend disbelief . The result is part satire of the independent filmmaker’s ego and homage to movie making […]

    Jun 4, 2015
    United States 5 Minutes Travis Aitken
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