• Tony Windberg. A Painter in the Woods

      In the midst of a vast Eucalyptus forest that lies deep in the heart of the great southern region of Western Australia, sits a cottage filled with test tubes, material samples, drafts, notes, indexed color samples and canvasses […]

    Jun 3, 2015
    Germany 22 Minutes Thomas Schumacher
  • Brewed Awakening

      A happy blue guy enters a coffee shop, excited to start his day. His positive attitude is tested, however, when he finds that nobody in the coffee shop will look up from their phones to say hello, or […]

    Jun 3, 2015
    United States 4 Minutes Brendan Kirschbaum
  • Listen*

      Chase is trying to leave his dark past behind him, but Stacy, the voice in his head, is leading him back on a path of blood and violence. American Psycho meets Fight Club.  

    Jun 3, 2015
    United Kingdom 7 Minutes Pishdaad Modaressi Chahardehi
  • Karma*

      Several people with different needs and values are chained together in a series of events. The central figure is Bobby, a father whose child is terminally ill. He has to find a way to pay for his child`s […]

    Jun 2, 2015
    Macedonia 17 Minutes Vladimir Mitrevski
  • A Velvet Blue Morning’s Cycle

      An Experimental project based on a spoken Poem. The film portrays a desolate universe. It makes remarks on specific lives & beliefs but it’s arguments are constantly contradicted by it’s progressing audio and visuals. Presenting a wide variety […]

    Jun 2, 2015
    Indonesia 3 Minutes Mohit Sebastian
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