Somewhere out at sea, you’ll find a trio of punks sailing around, delivering magic candy to all who can pay. This is the Candy Sailors Confectionary Delivery Service! These guys are rotten, but their treats are oh-so-sweet. We […]
Inu Bond is a 2.5-minute animated film that follows a young girl after losing her beloved dog. She goes through a journey to understand her grief. Will she get stuck in her grief or will she be able […]
The animated short film “The Mijares” originated from the intangible cultural heritage of Venezuela “The Dancing Devils of Corpus Christi”, telling the ups and downs of the inheritors of the intangible heritage. The Mijares family is one of […]
When a young boy named Max wishes for a puppy on his 8th birthday, a magical puff of smoke brings a balloon dog to life instead. Though at first hesitant, Max soon learns to love and accept his […]
Waterbeing is an 8 minute animated film told simply through music and moving image. It focuses on the story of a young woman battling to stay in her lane. In a world that feels sink-or-swim, will she manage […]
“Old Dragon Man” is a heartfelt short film that follows the introspective journey of an elderly artist as he paints a majestic dragon. As he brings the creature to life on his canvas, he is overcome with nostalgia, […]
Larry came home with a failed test paper. She’s suffered for dyslexia a long time, unable to spell a word. When she was looking at the marking on it, classmates’ laughing was still in her ears. She threw […]
Born into a world devoid of death, a young boy realizes he has a gift that gives him immense empathy, but with it comes a huge burden that he will have to accept to bear. *Only a […]
Machines and robots take care of almost all human activities. The world is automated, and meaningful individual employment isn’t possible anymore. A workforce simply is no longer needed – except for some monitoring activities – and humans are […]
A mysterious intergalactic art collector has their, sights on one of earths masterpieces. But a plucky security guard ensures it will not be a simple lift.