“Looking for” is a satire animation short a puppet chasing its life goal that is not driven by personal will but by a mystery force. The force is strict social norms. Is there any way to break through […]
Kaohsiung Senior High School and Kaohsiung Girl’s Senior High School have a tradition. On a special “Drink Day,” boys and girls give drinks to each other. There are lots of puppy love stories on the “Drink Day”. Che […]
In the not so distant future, the founders of mega-corporation KNTRLR Industries have staffed their entire company with clones of themselves. A typical day at the office goes south when boredom strikes the control room. Password: password
In 1348, as the Black Death hung itself over England, a medieval woman attempts to snatch her husband from his unjust grave only to be plagued by something far worse than death itself. MADNESS – THE SHORT […]
Walter is waiting at the last station of his journey through life. His family and friends all know what is best for him. But in the end they have to understand that his ending belongs only to him. […]
Paul Haber did the impossible beating the world racquetball champion in a winner take all Hands versus Racquet match in Memphis.Sports Illustrated called it the greatest mixed sport match in the history of athletic competition. In the world […]
This short film is dedicated to a person who taught me so much in so little time. Your letters inspired me to make this with the things that we filmed together. Remember all the times that I was […]