Zara, an interstellar astronaut and her brother Emanuel, are on a mission to find the origin. After escaping from an accident on her space station in an emergency ship, she wakes up in limbo, where she will meet […]
Two friends Carlanga and JR with poor social skills and obsessed with ufology meet a stranger in their village and suspect that he is scouting for the extraterrestrials. With the help of Lindu, an eccentric guy from their […]
Jade has only one dream, she wants to travel into space. Unfortunately, she is condemned to work into a hotel corrupted by religion and where people practice obscurantic and extremist cults. Witness of sordid acts, she tries in […]
Halil Varlı and his two other brothers are congenital muscle wasting patients. We will witness the learning of this disease and the struggle of the family with this disease. And we will try to be the light to […]
Sebastian Beatrix, a local school teacher and polyvalent French artist, has taken this statement of wisdom and creative genius to an entirely different level. His pressing urge to make this planet a better place to live, for the […]
Sebastian Beatrix, a local school teacher and polyvalent French artist, has taken this statement of wisdom and creative genius to an entirely different level. His pressing urge to make this planet a better place to live, for the […]