Two Autumns in Paris*
CLICK ON A STAR TO VOTE 1-5 ➡ Press for 1 star out of 5Press for 2 stars out of 5Press for 3 stars out of 5Press for 4 stars out of 5Press for 5 stars out of 5 (218 votes, average: 4.57 out of 5)
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Gibelys Coronado
103 minutes
TMFF Awards:
November-December Nominee - Best Feature Film


Two Autumns in Paris (Dos Otoños en Paris) tells the love story of Maria Teresa and Antonio when they were young. Many years later the love story happened, it’s autumn and Antonio arrived in Paris, at this moment he faces the memories of an unforgettable love that scarred him forever and changed the course of his life. He arrived in Paris invited to give a conference about human rights and in the journey that leads from the airport to the event hall, reconstructs moment to moment, the love story he lived when he was young with the beautiful Maria Teresa, a young Paraguayan, political refugee who escaped from her country to save herself from the criminal repression of the dictatorship of the bloodthirsty general Alfredo Stroessner. In Paraguay, Maria Teresa was a member of a university student political group, opposed to the dictatorship, whose leader was her boyfriend Ramon. One night, when they were involved in a clandestine activity, they were detained by the regime’s military police and locked in a prison. Maria Teresa and Antonio fell in love and even got the idea of having a child, but at the time of greater commitment and dedication, the past becomes present changing all. They decided to live together, and Antonio changed his way to see everything, María Teresa transformed him, but at the end, she had to decide between her present love and her past.


*Only a trailer is available for now.

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  • María Fernanda sotillo

    María Fernanda sotillo

    Viva nuestra producción nacional

    Reply December 3, 2019
    • Francisco Villarroel

      Francisco Villarroel

      Muchas gracias por su comentario, fue el producto del esfuerzo de mucha gente, técnicos, actores y obreros, lo que permitió que la historia de esta mujer luchadora, que escribí como novela y fue adaptada al cine, pueda ser conocida (Thank you very much for your comment, it was the product of the efforts of many people, technicians, actors and workers, which allowed the story of this warrior woman and freedom fighter, which I wrote as a novel and was adapted to the cinema, can be known). By Francisco Villarroel

      Reply December 17, 2019
  • Luis Pirela

    Luis Pirela

    Excelente producción fílmica

    Reply December 27, 2019
  • Francisco Villarroel

    Francisco Villarroel

    Muchas gracias por su opinión. La historia de lucha de María Teresa, nos llama a la reflexión, siempre se debe luchar por las cosas más importantes de la vida. (Thanks for your opinion. Maria Teresa’s battle for freedom calls us for reflection. We must always fight for the most important things in life).

    Reply December 27, 2019
  • Francisco Villarroel

    Francisco Villarroel

    Gracias a todos los que votaron por nuestra película. (Thanks yo all who voted for our movie)

    Reply December 27, 2019
  • María Grazia Blanco.

    María Grazia Blanco.

    Muy buena historia. Me encanto la película. Felicitaciones a todo ese gran equipo

    Reply December 28, 2019
    • Francisco Villarroel

      Francisco Villarroel

      Muchas gracias por su comentario (Many thanks for your comment)

      Reply December 29, 2019
  • Francisco Villanova

    Francisco Villanova

    Excellent Venezuelan production, which condenses in a short time the love of two young people in the beautiful city of Paris, in the preamble of the Parisian winter, whose relationship is remarkably influenced by the ideals of freedom, of a Paraguay under the terrible regime of the dictatorship shift.

    Reply January 1, 2020

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