The Songs of Love
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Andrii Andreiev
5 minutes


‘The more poetry, the closer to the reality’ said Friedrich Schelling. When admiring beauty interweaves with your worldview, life becomes full of meaning, every moment brings satisfaction. The more one develops delicate sensitivity to the grace, the more love opens in his heart, the more happiness he has to share with the others. Understanding and ability to enjoy the beauty – these are the things that can save the Planet. Admiration and enjoyment of the nature are the starting point on the way to preserve it, and if one has possibilities and to act too. ‘Songs of Love’ is a short film – contemplation of the gracefulness, freedom, tenderness, dance, peace of the biggest animals – the whales, the cosmic act of life, perfection of every moment. This is an underwater ‘flight – levitation’, this is a live music of the Universe that permeates the oceans with the vibrations dozens kilometers around, this is love… When we see these creatures, their greatness moves us to tears and we want them and all other nature to keep existing…



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