The New Farmers
CLICK ON A STAR TO VOTE 1-5 ➡ Press for 1 star out of 5Press for 2 stars out of 5Press for 3 stars out of 5Press for 4 stars out of 5Press for 5 stars out of 5 (1 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5)
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Noga Abraham
6 minutes
TMFF Awards:
August Nominee - Student Film of the Month & Documentary of the Month


The average age of the Israeli farmer is 65, young individuals are not interested in farming, they leave the farms and there is no one to continue the family business. And yet few young individuals choose the farming life and are the future of agriculture and local production in Israel. The film tells the story of the disappearance of Israeli agriculture through the eyes of two young farmers; What made them want to work in farming, what difficulties does the profession entails and how they manage to persevere in a dying business.


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