The Journeyman*
CLICK ON A STAR TO VOTE 1-5 ➡ Press for 1 star out of 5Press for 2 stars out of 5Press for 3 stars out of 5Press for 4 stars out of 5Press for 5 stars out of 5 (4 votes, average: 3.00 out of 5)
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Peter Babakitis
90 minutes
TMFF Awards:
April Nominee - Best Feature Film


Lawrence, a hacker and corporate spy, and Ariana, an underground activist join forces to expose massive banking fraud in the Eurozone, and the corrupt manipulation of the economy of Greece. A cryptic entry in a financial account leads Lawrence (Peter Babakitis) to Zurich and Athens, where he meets the beautiful young Activist Ariana (Krystal Langevin) who has been investigating banking crimes in her country. After infiltrating a secret meeting, they uncover the existence of an international conspiracy to manipulate the economy of the Eurozone. As they get closer to the heart of the evidence they are trying to expose, assassins sent by their enemies pursue them relentlessly, culminating in the chilling confrontation between himself and the enemy (Brian Narelle) he fights to expose.


*Only a trailer is available for now.

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