The film ‘Red Thread’ is an animated documentary which is about Taiwanese history and identity. ‘Red thread’ is a metaphor throughout the whole film as a direction to guide the main character to find what is his identity. The red thread will only appear when the main character feels lost. The books ‘Orphan of Asia’ and ‘Potsdam Section Chief ’ were written by Wu, Zhuoliu, which inspired me to write my story and think about Taiwanese identity during different certain situations. I could see Taiwanese were struggling about being a Chinese, Japanese, Mainlander, Islander or pursuing western culture. I combined the true voices with my narrative story to elaborate real feeling to the audience. The goal of my film is that I hope Taiwanese would be willing to understand deeply of our own culture and be proud of being a Taiwanese. For others, I hope they will know more about what is Taiwan and have interest in Taiwanese history and culture.
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