No More Lights in the Sky*
CLICK ON A STAR TO VOTE 1-5 ➡ Press for 1 star out of 5Press for 2 stars out of 5Press for 3 stars out of 5Press for 4 stars out of 5Press for 5 stars out of 5 (40 votes, average: 4.28 out of 5)
United Kingdom
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Danny Cotton
85 minutes


This Science Fiction docudrama/mockumentary revolves around a dystopian future world and the possible consequences of today’s actions. A young reporter highlights the issues a mind controlling drug has on the population and the moral aspects of a higher powers influence. As this reporter begins to visit various individuals trying to survive or thrive in this new world of “Recycling”, the homeless and those about to loose everything, he thinks on the right and wrong of what he records. But as he comes to the end of his investigations, visiting the person in charge of this new world he realises that things are much worse that what he ever imagined…


*Only a trailer is available for now.

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