Moving Forest**
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Emmanuel Coquelou, Yanette Shalter
27 minutes


Palm oil is the cause of massive deforestation in Indonesia. Through habitat destruction, indigenous populations and entire ecosystems are directly threatened. In Borneo and Sumatra, NGOs and local individuals take action on site. : they show us how much has been lost already, but also that solutions exist to counter this absurd destruction. Thus they help us believe that every initiative counts.


**No video file available for now.

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1 Comment
  • LeAnn Fox

    LeAnn Fox

    This is an French award winning documentary film called Moving Forest complete with English sub titles and has been selected for the monthly film festival. I hope you have time take a look. It not only tells the problem related to clearing the forests but it is a great travel film that is artistically done. For those of you who have been to Indonesia it will be familiar and for for those of you who haven’t, it will inspire you. Who knows maybe you will even recognize a few people. Definitely a two thumbs up Five Star flick.

    Reply October 20, 2015

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