Mountain Ave
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United States
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
2019 - May 2019
Sean Renzetti
16 minutes
TMFF Awards:
May Winner - Trailer of the Month


Ryan and Sara, a seemingly normal couple, drive up the long and winding road to their mountain home. But as they return to their once peaceful retreat, tensions rise and they are confronted with the truth. Ryan flips out over a simple lightbulb breaking, Sara rehashes the joy they once cherished, and the memory of their lost child fall into their laps, unearthing the nightmares they tried to shut away. The maelstrom of nostalgia, grief, regret, joy, and loss forces Ryan and Sara to peel back the layers of their love. With each layer, Ryan has to decide where Sara fits into his changing life. And It leaves the couple with one undying question: ‘Are you okay?”


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