In their Eyes*
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Arnaud Blin
44 minutes
TMFF Awards:
April Winner - Best Feature Film


Rémy Cassigneul was 19, Marguerite Cassigneul 17 when, on June 6, 1944, the Allied forces landed in Normandy. They expected to see Americans, their ears theirs soon made it clear that they were Canadians. Of young men barely older than them who, after 4 years of occupation, freed them from occupation German in the Juno Beach area. A bunch of sand of ten kilometers stretching from Courseulles in Saint-Aubin-sur-mer.

*Only a trailer is available for now.

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1 Comment
  • Caulet


    Dans les yeux est un document indispensable pour se souvenir d’une période difficile qui doit rester dans nos mémoires

    Reply April 8, 2021

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