Imago Ep.1: Orientation
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Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Dani Joss
12 minutes
TMFF Awards:
December Nominee - Trailer of the Month & Experimental of the Month


Imago is meant to be a multi-part hybrid of video dance and short film. This first part is titled Orientation, and is the introduction to the nameless character’s abduction, who finds herself literally inside a story constructed by the main unseen antagonist, “The Engineer”. The story must be completed, and to accomplish that she has to interact with a room where semiosis and metaphor come to life. The themes of transformation, self-image, and imagination are articulated through action, motion and its interpretation, original music, and The Engineer’s haunting voice.


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  • Leta Krisila

    Leta Krisila


    Reply December 25, 2015
    • Die Wolke Art Group

      Die Wolke Art Group

      Thank you!
      If you want, you can check out our website at

      and subscribe to our mailing list. That way we can let you know when the full film will be coming to a screening near you, or eventually online. You’ll also find our FB and twitter links there. we’d love to connect with you.

      Kind regards,

      Dani, Drosia, Aliki, and everyone else at Die Wolke

      Reply December 27, 2015

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