From that Moment*
CLICK ON A STAR TO VOTE 1-5 ➡ Press for 1 star out of 5Press for 2 stars out of 5Press for 3 stars out of 5Press for 4 stars out of 5Press for 5 stars out of 5 (53 votes, average: 4.30 out of 5)
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
2022 - April 2022
Patricia Mendonça Tebet
7 minutes
TMFF Awards:
April Winner - Experimental of the Month


From that Moment is a film about a trip to the past, where the main character, through recordings made in super 8 films and audio messages from her family, comes into contact with her memories, her uncle’s messages, and revisits her story while reframe an episode from your childhood.


*Only a trailer is available for now.

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  • Leticia Koehler

    Leticia Koehler

    From That Moment. Pelo trailer percebo que é um filme de grande sensibilidade e de resgate profundo de memórias tocantes. A apresentação é bem criativa e envolvente

    Reply April 24, 2022
    • patricia tebet

      patricia tebet

      Te agradeço Leticia! Espero que disponibilizem ligo o filme para que possam assistir!

      Reply April 30, 2022

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