The MELON SHORTS! These animated gems spring from the warped mind of Mike Shiell, creator of the Wandering Melon Cartoon and a bunch of other fun stuff!
BLIND is a drama about a group of 18-year-olds who like to party, fall in love and generally make a mess of things. *Only a teaser is available for now.
Alpha 59 is the new De Agostini group channel targetted at a male audience. Over two days of shooting, I directed three short cinema-style promos, each telling a story which begins with an everyday situation before moving to […]
Timothy lands a dream job at Hobby Warehouse as the new product tester, he enthusiastically takes on the role and shows the others in the office how product testing is really done.
Swords, Songs & Slayers collide in this Musical Action Comedy that pits Megan and her team of vampire hunters against a sinister bloodsucking syndicate. It’s been a year since Season 1 and the vamps wield more power than […]
In mathematics, plus minus indicates a choice of exactly two possible values, one of which is the negation of the other. This is my interpretation of a couple trying to survive the insurmountable differences between them.
A unique short experimental remix of 15 vlog episodes, originally posted on youtube, based upon a reflexion on identity, manipulation, truth and beauty, that blurs popular influences with performance video and video art processes and ideas. Self-representation document […]