• Redlight District Bar

      BÉBÉ (18) is running from something but we don’t know what. When she stumbles upon a friendly face outside a bar, she decides to go along for the ride.     Redlight District Bar Film Review

    Jun 26, 2015
    Switzerland 12 Minutes Sarah Bellin
  • The Promise*

      A short drama set in the harsh West of Scotland. A young man must decide if his love for his girlfriend is stronger than his commitment to his father.   *Only a trailer is available for now.

    Jun 23, 2015
    United Kingdom 17 Minutes Gabriela Donnachie
  • Unspoken

      Unspoken is a monochrome film. It is aim to break the boundary between you and me. All conditions (objective facts) are excuses to understand who we truly are. We are part of world, part of ourselves as well. […]

    Jun 22, 2015
    United Kingdom 4 Minutes Yunqing Fu
  • This Home is Not Empty

      A personal film questioning the ‘lies you tell yourself’ through a metaphorical lens.    

    Jun 21, 2015
    Canada 3 Minutes Carol Nguyen
  • Darker

      When a young man identifies someone in a crime, the perpetrators’ mysterious guardian begins terrorizing him. The good Samaritan ultimately realizes the stranger’s revenge is even more sinister than he had imagined.   Darker Film Review

    Jun 19, 2015
    United States 8 Minutes Alex Torres
  • Dumbageddon

      A failure of a man that used to be an aspiring astronomer is taking a nap, wasting his time away.   Password: password

    Jun 17, 2015
    Canada 5 Minutes DongLiang Chang, Christopher Johnson
  • Don’t Frack Our Future

      Don’t Frack our Future is a provocative documentary, which seeks to explore the growing opposition to the controversial debate on fracking in the UK. From the stance of anti- campaigners, It challenges the assertion that hydraulic fracturing is […]

    Jun 17, 2015
    United Kingdom 15 Minutes Christopher Devlin
  • Shipshape*

      Keeping a secret is like holding your breath.An independent and self-sufficient man tries to cope with his own mortality after hearing the worst news a person can get. He realises that he can not manage this ordeal on […]

    Jun 13, 2015
    United Kingdom 12 Minutes Jake Balfour-Lynn
  • If the Sheep Were Pink

      Marco is the only child in the village. His childhood is lonely, bored and focused on adults. That changes when he meets Lacho, Biber and Shotka, who came to help him in the fight for children’s rights. Marko […]

    Jun 11, 2015
    Serbia 29 Minutes Đurđija Radivojević
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