• Prison at Home*

      In a near future where citizens are able to host a prisoner at their home in return for a stipend, a young father tries to save his crumbling marriage by applying to this new experiment but he starts […]

    Jul 16, 2015
    France 19 Minutes Sébastien Bellaval
  • Back to the Wall

      DU Dance (NI’s) inter-generational dance project Alternative Energies seeks to address the growing communication gap between different generations of people and, through a creative process, to encourage the sharing and exchange of ideas, skills and knowledge. Back to […]

    Jul 10, 2015
    United Kingdom 7 Minutes Gerard Stratton
  • The Fruit of Love, and Chance

      Marion and Mehdi love each other but are torn apart by their separate aspirations: he’s desperately looking for a job, she’s only wishing for a baby. Strangely, when they break up a new story begins: the fruit of […]

    Jul 7, 2015
    France 18 Minutes Juliette Morice
  • Happiness Lives Here*

      How a philosophy class on happiness in Aristotle can be understood in three different schools? And if schools are in three different continents? The answer lies in the words of Portuguese, Brazilian and African children.   *Only a […]

    Jul 3, 2015
    Brazil 15 Minutes Gladys Mariotto
  • Such a Small World

    Isabel is an octogenarian woman who lives alone at home and hardly relates to her neighbours. She hasn’t slept much the night before and the day seems longer than usual. Absorbed in her memories and daily activities, Isabel will […]

    Mar 21, 2015
    Spain 17:47 Minutes Emilia Ruiz
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