In the serene realm of a mystical planet, RoRo, an elemental being, thrives in harmonious unity with others and the natural world. But one fateful day, RoRo’s closest friend, LoLo, introduces him to an enigmatic concept: “Earth” – […]
After murdering her husband, Felicia somehow winds up in the home of Katherine, a strange lady who lives isolated from society. Unable to leave due to poor weather, Felicia is forced to stay for the night…
In the gripping drama short film “Edge of Mind,” André, surrounded by friends in a bar, struggles with a growing darkness within. As the night progresses, he finds himself confronted by his inner turmoil in form of a […]
SCRUPUS is an interdisciplinary research. In it I conduct artistic and technical methodological research and investigate the possibilities of interaction between dance, film and architecture. In their encounter I search for the conditions and possibilities of mutual effects […]
Soft Spoken is a silent film noir that follows two mimes, Pinky and Bluesy, as they navigate a world of silence and physical expression. While their performances bring joy to others, they witness brutal violence and grapple with […]
The work is characterized by a subjective approach to multimedia perception in the sense of the zeitgeist, in which our body image gains a central role in the creation of individual myths and gains enormous power. The experience […]
By an overdose of a supposedly performance-enhancing drug, Thomas experiences a hallucinative dream trip in which he kills his ex-girlfriend. Or did he kill her in real life? *Only a trailer is available for now. Farewell Dreams […]