There’s a number of series returning to screens in 2019. Game of Thrones, Peaky Blinders, Stranger Things, (possibly) Fargo… but we all know that, don’t we? What we’re perhaps slightly less familiar with are the newcomers that will be […]
We had a quick chat with Nicolas van Ruychevelt, the writer and director of last month’s big winner: Far Away. While the film certainly does not come from far away – just neighbouring Belgium – it has deeply impressed all […]
‘Curiosity killed the cat’ is a piece of wisdom that virtually all of us should be familiar with. And if we are, we probably also know that curiosity is not a cat exclusive trait – it’s likewise a very […]
As winter is definitely coming, and a chill ominously looms over Europe, we decided to stay in tune with the weather and already think about winter time. So, this week we’ve compiled a list of 5 currently ongoing and […]
It’s already November, and last month’s big winner was Tony, a French film about a Spanish immigrant that faces difficult choices on multiple fronts. We were very impressed with the quality of our newest Film of the Month, and […]
Galveston is a recently-released film that takes its name from its setting: a small town in Texas, in the Gulf of Mexico more specifically. As the title does not say much, one could easily think it’s some sort of […]