The Irishman*
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United Kingdom
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Xiangning Hong
14 minutes
TMFF Awards:
October Winner - Student Film of the Month


This is a memoir of an alcoholic who enjoys loneliness and self-salvation. Through two months of shooting, I recorded enough of Thomas and his dog’s daily life. From morning to night, I closely connected Thomas and St. George’s Garden and restored his lonely life. The film allows Thomas to tell himself about his early life experiences in Ireland and his struggle with alcohol in London. In order to make the story clear, I added my own voiceovers to introduce our relationship. A few short narrations were carefully written, describing the process by which he and I became familiar with each other. At the same time, my understanding of Thomas was also changed over time. The following shots of Thomas in the park construct a vivid image of Thomas in London now. However, the interviews and the photographs of his family tell about his past stories in Ireland and leaves spaces for the audience to imagine how was Thomas like before he stopped drinking, where his family exactly was, what he experienced when he came to London, and why he was always alone…


*Only a trailer is available for now.

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