Nico & Nickel
CLICK ON A STAR TO VOTE 1-5 ➡ Press for 1 star out of 5Press for 2 stars out of 5Press for 3 stars out of 5Press for 4 stars out of 5Press for 5 stars out of 5 (9 votes, average: 4.56 out of 5)
United States
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
Sky O'Connell
3 minutes
TMFF Awards:
January Nominee - Student Film of the Month & Animation of the Month


A distracted child named Nico gets hit by a baseball and must venture into the woods alone to retrieve it. In this intimidating forest, Nico finds a strange robot named Nickel. Terrified, Nico runs away, but not everything is as it seems.


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