For Want of a Nail
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United Kingdom
Release Year & TMFF Edition:
2018 - April 2018
Lucy Joan Barnes
18 minutes
TMFF Awards:
April Winner - Editor of the Month


Inspired by writer Nick’s own struggles with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Intrusive Thoughts, but reconfigured and extrapolated to a more severe ‘worst case scenario’ “For Want of a Nail​​” follows Marty, who attempts to live out a ‘perfect day’. As the story unfolds it becomes apparent that his range of intricate routines have been compounded by a succession of deaths in the family. Now, with only his twin sister left, Marty has found himself seeking to finally, once and for all, dispel the urges and paranoia that drive the compulsions which are seriously affecting his life – and, in his mind, stop his sister from dying.


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1 Comment
  • Alena Kolosunina

    Alena Kolosunina

    the film touches on an interesting topic.

    Reply April 7, 2018

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