• The Hitmen

      A man on a mission…    

    Sep 13, 2016
    Belgium 3 Minutes Glenn Brughmans, Yoshi Van Sichem
  • See the Light

      The video clip tells the story of a couple, of which the girl recently passed away and the struggle the boy has with the passing of his love.    

    Sep 13, 2016
    Belgium 3 Minutes Glenn Brughmans, Yoshi Van Sichem
  • Be the One

      Two charismatic robbers face a variety of strong stereotypes and a major twist while attempting to obtain a mysterious bag from their adversaries.     Be the One Film Review

    Sep 12, 2016
    Switzerland 5 Minutes Remo Fritzsche
  • Margins*

      In a world that moves too fast, some survive indifference. The people, however, ” beautiful “, are too caught up in themselves, not aware of their surroundings. A prostitute, a seller of roses, a musician, a Barbona and […]

    Sep 11, 2016
    Italy 13 Minutes Michele Tataranni
  • The Three Tales from Alexandria

      Long time ago the world of nature was perceived as full of magic and mystical creatures. The film tells the old times stories taken from anonymous writer from Alexandria from the beginning of first century. In time, the […]

    Sep 10, 2016
    United Kingdom 6 Minutes Natasza Cetner
  • The minute

      A particular interpretation of The Minute poem by Charles Bukowski with a plastic language.    

    Sep 10, 2016
    Colombia 1 Minutes Adrián Suarez
  • Jes and Lora

      Jes just wants to borrow a can of gas for his stranded car, but farm girl Lora wants to find out more about the stranger. The two troubled souls form an unexpected bond while revealing dark secrets on […]

    Sep 9, 2016
    United States 12 Minutes Patrick Coleman Duncan
  • Doors*

      “Doors” is a story about obsession, about that “something” that you possess but not want, and change your life forever.   *Only a trailer is available for now.

    Sep 9, 2016
    Spain 13 Minutes Paco Arasanz
  • Moonstone

      Moonstone is an Art film that represents the Author’s abstract vision and interpretation of Dreams and Multiverses through the use of ‘Mirrors’ as ‘Portals’ and Digital Imaging as ‘Creator’. The narrative focuses on a girl who’s dreaming and […]

    Sep 8, 2016
    United Kingdom 15 Minutes James George Oshoba
  • Journey

      An astronaut called Orion is alone in space. He asks a lot of questions, like how did he get here, how is he still alive, shouldn’t his oxygen have run out, etc. Eventually he meets another astronaut whose […]

    Sep 7, 2016
    Australia 7 Minutes Radheya Jegatheva
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