I asked my teeth if they’ll withstand a drink, says the main charecter in ’20 KICKS”. He lives in a world, in which exchange system is slaps and fists. In this way the film is raising the question […]
Born into a world of silence, Eli finds himself not able to communicate well with people. Mainly because not everyone understands sign language. This has impacted his self-esteem and confidence. This is Eli’s story of how difficult life […]
While home alone, a troubled fathers plan to reunite his family is derailed by the discovery of a strange box that presents an opportunity to exchange his reality with an alternate warped version of himself.But before he can […]
An arrogant hot-headed man finds himself on the wrong end of the law. Desperate with no place to turn, he finds hope and redemption through an unlikely stranger.
The Captain is a story about a young boy’s loneliness and detachment from his self-absorbed and hedonistic mother. The boy makes friends with Death in the form of an odd fellow called, The Captain. The night becomes a […]
Partners follows the lives of two, Rural North Carolina, uniformed police Officers in a small southern town; Officer John Walker and Officer Mandy Kain. Both middle aged and veterans of the department; the story, told in five separate […]
Carmen, a young actress, is trapped between the love she feels for Pablo and her marriage with Joaquín, Pablo’s best friend. When she learns she’s fallen ill, she embarks on a trip with one of them, which will […]
Apple is a young man, who came to the world with no particular purpose, but who always dreamed of one thing and one thing only: go and live in the mountains. The day he decides to face his […]